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PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 20 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ask a few locals or visitors if they have a phone signal and pick a network based on what they say.

rural is still a bit patchy but most places you can get mobile phone, a decent(far bigger than you probably need)bandwidth is a bit more tricky but either a landline or mobile will give a functional connection most places


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 20 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your boss sound like a real lowlife to be honest. Any chance you can get any acknowledgement in writing from him that the debt exists. You presumably have the relevant bank statements to confirm withdrawal of the funds. If you do email, send him an email requiring payment by a certain date. set out your understanding of the arrangement at the time, and give him a time frame to respond with evidence to the contrary. That way you have documentation of the exchange. If you are not happy doing it by email, then send it by registered letter so you know he received it.

You can also set up email so they have to confirm receipt before reading it.

It has been a bit all over the place here lately, with the budget being up the creek because of vet bills, and various other expenses it's a bit topsy turvey. And the weather - well suffice to say yesterday was 35 and Monday will be 13 with snow on the highlands.

One of the local farmers was bitten by a snake and died. It was a tiger snake and while they have a reputation for aggression I have never found them to do much more than empty threats unless provoked. He was 80 odd and had gone out to get the sheep in, but it is assumed he tripped and fell. The local doctor was able to attend promptly but he had already lost consciousness due to multiple bites on the thigh and arm. Tiger snake venom is particularly toxic, but due to the delivery mechanism is rarely life threatening, but the multiple bites, not through clothes which usually absorb the liquid resulted in death two days later. Unfortunately, while we have an excellent local medical centre it is not funded to stock antivenin.

Hoping you are all coping with the imminence of Brexit. Boris seems to have backed himself into a corner which places him in a poor negotiating position for future trade deals.


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 20 5:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your boss sound like a real lowlife to be honest. Any chance you can get any acknowledgement in writing from him that the debt exists. You presumably have the relevant bank statements to confirm withdrawal of the funds. If you do email, send him an email requiring payment by a certain date. set out your understanding of the arrangement at the time, and give him a time frame to respond with evidence to the contrary. That way you have documentation of the exchange. If you are not happy doing it by email, then send it by registered letter so you know he received it.

You can also set up email so they have to confirm receipt before reading it.

It has been a bit all over the place here lately, with the budget being up the creek because of vet bills, and various other expenses it's a bit topsy turvey. And the weather - well suffice to say yesterday was 35 and Monday will be 13 with snow on the highlands.

One of the local farmers was bitten by a snake and died. It was a tiger snake and while they have a reputation for aggression I have never found them to do much more than empty threats unless provoked. He was 80 odd and had gone out to get the sheep in, but it is assumed he tripped and fell. The local doctor was able to attend promptly but he had already lost consciousness due to multiple bites on the thigh and arm. Tiger snake venom is particularly toxic, but due to the delivery mechanism is rarely life threatening, but the multiple bites, not through clothes which usually absorb the liquid resulted in death two days later. Unfortunately, while we have an excellent local medical centre it is not funded to stock antivenin.

Hoping you are all coping with the imminence of Brexit. Boris seems to have backed himself into a corner which places him in a poor negotiating position for future trade deals.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 20 9:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hope the budget sorts itself out soon Cassandra. Do you have pet insurance in Tas.? That can be useful for a lot of vets bills, but it does mean paying out so much a month, and a yearly check up for the animal insured. Son has it for their cat.

Sad about your neighbour. He must have really provoked the snake to get multiple bites in those places. A shame your local medical centre can't hold anti venom, but it may not have saved his life anyway.

Your weather sounds a lot more erratic than ours. We have been living in a cloud the last couple of days, but today is lovely at the moment. I am wondering if I can persuade husband to cut birch later today once the tops have had a chance to dry off, but not sure if he will want to work at a weekend having been slipping and sliding all round the woods all week.


Joined: 24 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 20 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My boss is lower than a low life, he is the sort you rub off your heel when you have trodden into it, or the scum off the top of the jam, but the money keeps coming in-"sticks and stones!", and I can take it. I have the relevant papers, but don't want to rock the boat till I am ready to leave.

In spite of the winter, they are still lighting fires when I thought the central heating would be the thing now-but what do I know-I don't have any heat in the house and only hot water bottles for bedtime, my bedding is 2 sleeping bags. Interesting is that the bottles are still warm when I go to the bed to get the bottles to reheat the water up, next night again, so the insulation of the sleeping bags is good, against that it is very cold and a shock when I get out in the morning at 4 am! Our weather is strange here too. I go out in the mornings and it may feel cold but the roads are clear other mornings thick frost and de-icer all over the car, yet doesn't feel as cold as the day before.

Maybe a trip to the telephone shop in Welshpool and see what is what and how much. Most of the people I know have the internet on their phones, which if you are stranded could be very useful indeed! My main consideration is cost-I am "tight" as "they" say. I have been treating myself to a Sunday lunch carvery at the local pub. Where not only is the food good, but I get to watch the football on the colour tv and have a whole half of beer with it and all for under £20. Slows the wood chopping down when I get home.

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 02, 20 9:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How 'cold' it feels is not just about temperature. It can be milder, but if it is damp, particularly with a wind, it can feel a lot colder than a cold, sunny, still day. I think it is because the moisture is evaporating off you, so cooling you far further than the temperature would seem to suggest.

Some people still like a fire even if they have central heating. We have a fire going all winter, in spite of central heating, but the fire does part of the work, so keeps the gas bills down a bit.

If you don't want anything complicated on a mobile phone, you can get a pay as you go SIM, which means each call costs more, but you don't have to pay so much a month. If you are only going to use it occasionally, might be worth looking at instead of a contract.


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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Location: Tasmania Australia
PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 20 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

so my last post appears to have disappeared - no matter

First message is to DPack - I am trying to log into the forum from a new device but it tells me my remembered password is not valid, that my email belongs to another name if I use all lower case, and refuses to recognise me if I use a capital C. It also refuses to provide me with an option under Lost my password so I can make a new one. So it's all a little confusing. I will be renewing my new ESET conscription this week so will be wanting to primarily use the other lappy for online work so that is the one which will be protected. I have cleared cookies, but that didn't take long as the new one has not been used for much to date.

The main reason for this is the acquisition of a new printer which is wifi and does not recognise Windows 7. The newer device is Word 10, so should work.

A miracle occurred at tonight's meeting. The trouble-maker was nice! I had gone to considerable lengths to ensure I had all four of those who are prepared to take a position coming to the meeting, and was proposing to deliver an ultimatum if I was not able to get through the suggestion we pay for what we can afford, not what wishful thinking thinks we should, but the discussion about insurance policies was surprisingly constructive and I now have authority to go with whichever of the two is cheaper for basic site clearance and public liability, but not building replacement. So that is what I will do.

We also had a number of other constructive, positive and progressive discussions. And a functional chair person.

The apparent cause of this miracle is that at the previous meeting I finally agreed to allow muggins to return to full admin status (which changes nothing other than her ability to remove me) subject to conditions that she assure the committee she would not do so. So I was right - the last four months have been a massive tantrum and now she has her way she is all sweetness and light. I think quite a few members were hugely relieved at the change of tone, and we made actual progress on the renewal of the Articles - including an agreement to a membership fee and change of name. And inclusion of our limited obligations if the building burns to the ground.

And quite a few other matters that have continued unresolved for the last six months have also been resolved and progressed. It's like a new world!

We even have permission for one of my new recruits to lead the development of a Business Plan with a subcommittee. I cunningly managed this by pointing out our new grant application would need to include one since our current finances will be so depleted by then that they won't be worth mention. Oh! And the introduction of market fees effectively increased our last month's receipts by 50% so they even agreed to doing that. And considering the development of a separate market committee which hires the hall from us and all manner of other initiatives that have been fought against tooth and nail in the last few months. AND, we commenced the review of the Articles and are half way through without complaints about anything other than that no-one understood the language, but accepted my translations into the vernacular!

Such a relief! We may not lose the Hall after all! At least we will go out fighting for it rather than about it!

Our weather has been all over the shop - even more so than usual for Tassie. Last Thursday and Friday were well over 30. Monday was 9. Still it was nice to have a fire that was contained to the grate, not rampaging around the countryside.

It's been all go, so I am very happy indeed to be able to make progress (and not have to deal with the emotional fallout of another failed meeting simultaneously).

Oh, and I even got the washing done! Phew!

I am doing first aid training next Friday which will be a relief with my volunteering duties, and the craft centre will be opening on the 20th so it's all hands on deck to set that up too. I have indicated my availability subject to other commitments.

Gregotyn, good to hear you have the paperwork. It will make the discussion much less difficult if you have to involve legal process.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 20 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

im not sure how to fix the log in issue, i will pop up a question in it matters and there is probably an easy fix.

iirc it has happened before and been sorted from the admin side of things


Joined: 24 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 20 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Percy, or as he was known in our house-Mr. P. Veerence-seems to have triumphed Cassandra, well done you. I am surprised you kept your cool, I would have lost it several times.

I am going back home to chop wood for a couple of hours. I got some really good dry wood from work yesterday and managed to chop 2 bags of it after de-nailing, and I have 3 bags of blanks waiting for me for tonight. I have never seen my stocks of available timber so low at home.

I am only hoping to receive calls!, MR, I will only be making a few calls in reality. I do my business in Welshpool where I work so it will only be a few calls to friends. I don't want anything complicated which plays tunes and so on, just a phone to talk to people I know, and make a 999 if I need to.


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PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 20 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cassandra, no idea if anyone else has looked at this yet but it's using your btinternet email address is that the correct one or does it need changing?

Mistress Rose

Joined: 21 Jul 2011
Posts: 15694

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 20 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The post about the Committee came in Cassandra and your one including a local farmer being killed by snake bite came in twice. Good luck with the log in.

Amazing. So glad your Committee ills are sorted. I thought she was going home soon anyway, so wouldn't be available; or has she given up that idea. Sounds as if you may well be able to show the authorities that your Committee is capable of running the hall, and that you are worth giving a grant to. Hope it continues to go well.

Your weather is even worse than ours, and ours has been pretty bad. Instead of wet, you have had hot and dry, so not sure which is worse. Your wild fires are certainly worse than anything we have here, but not sure whether victims of flooding thing so.

I spent a few hours bundling the birch we cut yesterday, so about half of it is now stored in subdued light. The remainder will have to wait a day or so, but it is staying reasonable cool at the moment, so hope it will be all right. Went up to where the other coppice workers are clearing under the pylon line for a little while, and did some clearing. Unfortunately husband and son were detained by finding one of the vans had a flat tyre, so had to do a wheel change. That will probably mean a new tyre, as that one already had an inner tube fitted.


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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Location: Tasmania Australia
PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 20 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

tahir wrote:
Cassandra, no idea if anyone else has looked at this yet but it's using your btinternet email address is that the correct one or does it need changing?

Ah, I had a nasty feeling that was it. I did try that one, but as it is no longer connected there was clearly a problem getting the automatic message, haha. I will message you my current email.

Thanks for that !


Joined: 27 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 20 7:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I wouldn't say our ills are all cured. Comments today were that I was talking a long time (well if you are secretary, treasurer and leading a workshop on a review of the Articles, as well as presenting info re insurance (which was pretty well the full agenda) that does tend to happen. It does give a clue to the dissatisfaction of madam though so i will chat to the President about it. Sadly there is really no-one else who can take the workshop though, so they will have to grin and bear it.

I had a day of liaison with two insurance companies, networking with others and trying to contact someone who has two wheels for sale - both in appalling condition and missing parts, but potentially cheaper than the asking price. I am currently seeking an ID on the second wheel. The first is an Ashford traditional minus the flyer, but an ideal spot to park my Jumbo Flyer which is currently in a box. The second is some sort of windwheel I suspect but is missing one of its pedals (easy fix as they are plywood and the remaining one can be the template), and also missing the flyer. But I think I can see the flyer and bobbins for that in the box of various parts. There's also skein winder and a few other bits and bobs of various usefulness. The bigger problem with that one is the sharp pointy bit which I suspect signifies a missing half to the Mother of All which could be a bit trickier



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 20 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i have played with big metal textile machines, wood ones are similar
if you can work out what bit is missing it can be made, broken stuff replaced or mended etc

if the one in the middle had a feed of spun threads to ply via a twister it would put them on the bobbin.
it looks like it winds but from what is unknown. perhaps from spinning wheel size bobbins to big ones? or from huge transport and/or storage ones to loom size ones

the folk at colne valley museum ,huddersfield uk might know what it is


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 20 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

matching a bobbin to it might help a bit

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